What is a Grinder Pump?
A grinder pump is a waste management device. It is used to pump sanitary sewage from a building to the municipal sewerage system when the building’s plumbing is at a lower grade than the sewer main or when there is not enough slope to allow sewage to gravity flow to the municipal system. Household waste from toilets, sinks and washing machines flows through the home’s pipes into the grinder pump’s holding tank. Once the waste inside the tank reaches a specific level, the pump will turn on, grind the waste into a fine slurry, and pump it to the municipal sewer system.
The components of a grinder pump system consist of the pump, a tank, and an alarm panel. The pump has a level sensing device called a “float”. If the pump malfunctions and the waste level in the holding tank rises above a certain level, the alarm panel should alert the homeowner that the pump is experiencing problems. It is highly recommended that the alarm panel should have both an indicator light and an audible alarm.
Grinder pump systems are prone to grease buildup, which could lead to pump failure. Regular pump maintenance is highly recommended. Certain items such as sanitary napkins, diapers, kitty litter, paint, oil (both motor and cooking oils), should never be flushed or poured down any drain, whether the home is connected to a gravity sewer system, grinder pump system, or septic tank. Disposable wipes are not recommended for grinder pump systems.
Most of South Annville Township Authority’s customers are served by gravity sewer systems. South Annville Township Authority (SATA) permits connection of structures served by grinder systems to the municipal sewerage system only when service cannot be achieved via a gravity system. Grinder systems are appliances that are solely owned and maintained by the property owner. Should your grinder pump fail, call a plumber immediately to have it repaired.
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